Friday, October 3, 2008

What a Wonderful Night

I just got home from a friends wedding. Maybe it is the princess in me, but there is something about weddings that just make my heart smile. I especially love to watch the way the bride and groom look at each other through out the night. I also love to look at the other couples. For some reason, people seem to connect in a unique way at weddings. I like watching the little children proudly and excitedly race out onto the dance floor and spin and twirl with no regard for how they look or who is watching. They are just enjoying the moment. Little girls try to spin as fast as they can to see how high they can get their skirt to float. Little boys and little girls alike spin and spin and spin and then stop to experience the thrill of being dizzy! Then their are the proud parents of the newly married couple. With what energy is left, they float onto the dance floor, embrace, and hold on to oneanother.

For those of you who don't know me, you may be thinking that I am a hopeless romantic. Those who know me can assure anyone that I am not! There is just something special about weddings! To stand in front of God and family and friends and declare your love and committment to another person is a big deal!

So, to all of you who are married...Be blessed! Thank you for taking a day out to share with one another the depths of your love and commitment. And, thank you for including the special people in your life in the celebration of that love.

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