I just got home from a very long Sunday! I went to church, went to lunch with some friends, went back to the church to prepare files for a meeting tonight, attended the meeting, and then was blessed with the opportunity to spend time catching up with another friend that I have not seen in months! What a day!
My morning started out a little bit rushed. I woke up later than intended and everyone in the house seemed to be on edge. I just prayed for everyone in the house to receive what we needed from the Lord today and to get a greater understanding of His love for each of us. We left in separate cars and the day began unfolding.
After the service, a good friend prayed for me along with a man that I don't know very well, named Thomas. Thomas had a vision for me. He said, "you know how there are those extension ladders that go really tall and they seem very unsteady as you look at them? Sometimes, they even have little feet along the way or expand out at the top to keep them more balanced. The Lord has extended such a ladder for you and in the right timing you will be asked to climb. You will want to know more, but you may only have the direction to climb. And, you will be high...tall. You may feel unsteady, but it is stable. You will be where you will be seen by other people. Don't let that distract you or keep you from climbing. It's ok; it's good. You may not want to be seen by other people, but you will be asked to climb and you will be seen."
I'm not entirely sure what the vision leads to, but it set in my Spirit with a sense of excitement and expectancy! Where is the ladder, God? When will I get to climb? Where will I climb to? Will I be brave enough? Will I have enough faith to climb when I hear you tell me to do so?
What a day!
Then at lunch, I got to spend time with a friend who I don't get to see very often. I ate lunch with her and another friend at her house and played with her 1 year old son. While he was taking his nap, we got to talk about what has been happening in her life lately and it was very refreshing to hear her perspective on some things. I feel blessed to have had that time!
Then tonight at our meeting, we were receiving training on Prayer Ministry. A part of the training was practical application, so we broke into groups of 4 and prayed. A woman who I don't know very well paired up with me and the couple I live with. They prayed for healing for me from R.A. The prayer was wonderful. The Spirit was so faithful to reveal some things in such a loving way. I feel like the whole time I have been praying for healing the Father's response has been that He is going to heal me from inside out...from the heart to my body. This was another glimpse of that!
After that, as I said, I got to spend time reconnecting with a friend. It was so great to spend time with her and hear about her life and what has been going on with her. It was so wonderful to just sit and talk to her!
So, at the end of this very long and wonderful Sunday, all I have left to say is, "What a day!"
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